A BETTER way to replace surface mount capacitors
When it comes to vintage electronics, the trope of replace the capacitors may be tired, but is still rooted in truth. Problem is, removing surfacemount parts can be timeconsuming, expensive, or risky, depending on your approach. Let s explore all of the options, and check out a somewhat niche tool that could be a gamechanger. Big thanks to Steve from Mac84 for helping out with this episode be sure to check out his channel If you have a Hakko F888D soldering station and are curious about the FX8804 hot tweezers shown in the episode, here s an affiliate link you can use to pick up a set: Unsafe 858Dstyle hot air station forum post: Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media thisdoesnotcomp Music by Epidemic Sound Intro music by BoxCat Games