Julia Jacklin Lydia Wears A Cross ( Official Video)
Listen, Buy: Lydia Wears A Cross is taken from Julia Jacklin s new album, PRE PLEASURE, out August 26, 2022. Directed by Julia Jacklin Produced by Julia Jacklin and Nick Mckk DOP: Nick Mckk Edited by Nick Mckk Colour and 1st AC: Michael Ridley 1st AD: Tom Dunphy AD: Jacob Diamond Makeup: Nadine Muller (lighthouse footage) Costume Hire: Rose Chongs Filmed at Splitpoint Lighthouse, the Northcote streets and Tamale studios Lyrics: seated in rows knees and eyes closed i felt pretty in the shoes and the dress confused by the rest could he hear me lydia wears a cross says shes never gonna take it off we sit back to back listening to jesus christ superstar soundtrack id be a believer if it was all just song and dance id be a believer if i thought we had a chance eyes to the board thoughts to our lord we were praying for princess diana miss brown was keeping score viviens holding on but singing every single word wrong on the parade float ju