motor, magnetic assembly lineup 3, 4 and OMG The Dumper 6 TON
Hand assembled here in Mesa, AZ and magnetized on the Volcano magnetizer. 3 gap is 75mm x 83. 5 or 75mm x 85mm for fat coils like the 3HP or REFi D. 5 coils. Typical thought is the 75mm x 83. 5 to fit the quad 1 ohm copper coils we scored from the Concept Industries buyout. All 3 motors use American made ferrite by Crucible in Kentucky, thanks to the Volcano Audio buyout. Triple stack 3 100 shipped Quad stack jr. 130 shipped (As good or better than RE Audio SXX) Quad stack jr thick thighs 150 shipped ( as good or better than TCS 3HP) Quad stack v2 (larger diameter slugs) 220 shipped (as good or better than RE Audio MT) 4 gap is typically 97mm x 107mm 4x4 v2 is the larger diameter quad stack with dual top plates 265 shipped. This is our version of the CSP using the OEM motors that Concept built for HiFonic s Titan line in the early 2000 s.