Brutal Full Albums Compilation ( Technical Death Metal Death Metal 2013 HD)
Facebook: Compilation 2: Download: Brutal Full Albums Album: Compilation Technical Death Metal, Death Metal Year: 2013 Genre: Technical Death Metal Death Metal Tracklist; 1. Just Destinity 2. All Seeing Eye DICHOTOMY 3. Tyranniside Reciprocal 4. Two Sides Of The Coin Bohema 5. Linear Existence Havok 6. The Armageddon of the human prototype Endless 7. My throne GOMORY 8. Infiltrate The Void Consequences 9. Sound of Sin Dethroner 10. The Perennial Struggle Cognizance 11. Carver of Lies Havok 12. The Invention of Hatred Pyrithion 13. Reviving Fire Demented Bordeaux 14. Etre Ou Ne Paraitre DarkRise 15. Cyrus the Great Havok 16. Insurmountable mass Sidious 17. Apolo