British Fashion Models Tour Rhodesia (1959)
Salisbury Kariba, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). GV. Salisbury Airport building. MS. Group of the girls, British models, on gangway. Models walking to airport building two shots. LS. Crowds. MS. Car leaves the airport. Various shots of the models on Salisbury Kopje looking at city bellow. MS. Models in Cecil Square. Models walking through city two shots. LS. Models in park tall buildings in background. MS. Two girls climb tree. MS. Girls in park. GV. Models arrive at Kariba Dam. LS. Party look down on dam. LS. Party look at very tall dam. LS. Models watching black women sowing, dress making at Umtail African Women s Club. MS. One of the girl models fits dress on black child. Model weighs baby in hospital two shots. LS. Models give the African women fashion show, they parade around in summer dresses. Various shots of the girls examining animals skins. Various shots of gala fashion show before Governor of Southern Rhodesia at Meikles Hotel, Salisbury. Girls are modelling evening dresses, fur coats etc. Vario