Lets Play Dinosaur Safari ( PC, MAC)
Apparently this educational game came out in 1996 I swear it was earlier, but still I was only 10 yrs old at the time. I ve never beaten it to this day. I thought I d show the prehistory of video games before I start doing XBOX 360 and PS3 games. Thanks for watching You can find a download of the game here: Remember install setup to root drive, probably C: Also run game in windows 95 compatibility mode, run in 256 colors, and by 640 x 480 window. Updated 012210 As far as I know you can t run this game on a 64bit machine. Also note, I was able to install and run this on both windows vista and windows 7 32bit, however for some reason I needed quicktime installed. Not only that running the above steps on still had problems with the directory creation, it was looking for where it should have been So all of the animations were not working correctly. This video here was recorded on Window