Barham capsizes and explodes (1945)
GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The sinking of the batteship Barham after being torpedoed by a Uboat Full Description: EUROPE: Mediterranean Sea: EXT BARHAM (Flagship) BATTLEWAGON. Torpedoed by Uboat in Med. Shots of her heeling over to port. After magazine blows up Huge cloud of smoke rises and blots out ship. CAMERAMEN CAMERAS. G. B. cameraman John Turner filming sinking of Barham. from deck of Valient. NAVAL. (BRITISH). Barham blows up and sinks. V. G. See BARHAM. Navy Active U331, smoke, fire, clouds, torpedo, sinking, magazine, WWII, World War II, Second World War Background: The sinking of the batteship Barham after being torpedoed by a Uboat FILM ID: VLVA3UGCMFO5AI2AR1IIUKVDOQEIU To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive