Porch Overhang, Install Windows, Stone Floor, Garden Harvest, Off Grid Log Cabin Build Alone, Ep 23
A productive week in the wilderness, I install the rest of the windows, including a temporary window in the doorway to the future bedroom, a replacement window for the breezeway and three windows in the back of the cabin. I glue down the granite floor under the woodstove and after letting the cement dry, I reinstall the stove and cook my breakfast of eggs, fresh potatoes, sausage and kimchi on it, the first meal cooked in the cabin. I have decided to install a metal roof before winter so I take some time to build the supporting framing for the front porch overhang. In the next few days, I ll notch the four posts so the tie beam sits snug on the posts and then install the short posts up to the ridge beam and the two purlins. The screw jacks on the bottom of the posts have six inches of adjustments so that I can lower them as the cabin settles over the next few years. The bear in this video is the first I have seen since filming the mother bear with two cubs in the spring, which is far less than the doz