Real Strawberry Lemonade
Please like, comment, and subscribe Here s a refreshing spring, summer cafe or home cafe beverage for you, real strawberry lemonade It s made with sparkling water and real strawberry puree and lemon juice. Not too sweet and the fizz will definitely refreshen you up haha C O N N E C T W I T H M E: instagram (food): pearlthefoodie instagram (personal): pearllok E M A I L: (business enquiries only) M E N T I ON E D: 8 chef s knife GLOBAL Jet Sparkling Water Maker SodaStream R E C I P E: Makes around two (250mL to 300mL) cups Ingredients: 200g strawberries (frozen or fresh is fine) 8g sugar 12 lemons (use 2 or more for more lemon flavour) sparkling water ice Metho