Impossible Juggling Through Portals in VR ( MIND BENDING)
Best way to support the channel order some Gamer Supps now You get a sweet deal on an awesome product and I get a kickback Win, Win (Click Link) This video took me WAY longer than expected. Between fighting the game mechanics, portal jank and personal error this took around 15 hours of straight juggling for this 2 minutes of content. Please show me it was worth it by leaving a comment and sharing the video, no one has ever tried anything like this before Thanks TheBoxTrot and Adesii making this possible Adessi wrote the scripts to make the portals work and TheBoxTrot did the map recreations and put it all together If you enjoyed this please give the Half Life Alyx mod a try it can be found right here Links to the Portal the scripts can be found here Want for Half Life Alyx Juggling videos check out my previous 2 https