Everybody Wants To Rule The World instrumental hammered dulcimer
3 Free Songs: Become a Patron: Critically acclaimed musician Ted Yoder is widely considered the Bela Fleck of the hammered Ted is a National Hammered Dulcimer champion. Hes released five beloved and critically acclaimed solo albums, and become a master educator of the instrument. Ted has been profiled in theKearney Hub, Huffington Post, and on NPRs All Things Consideredshow, among many other features, profiles, and reviews in regional and national tastemaking outlets. On Wednesday, August 24, 2016, Ted became something of a household name when a Facebook Live video of him from his Live From The Orchard series playing Tears For Fears Everybody Wants To Rule The World went viral. The video rocketed up to 53 million views in four days Spotify: iTunes: Pandora: Amazon: Google Play: Ted plays and endorses Master Works hammered dulcimers.