Rooster Tail is a short film by Austen Sweetin and Sean Lucey. It documents the elusive rooster tail something you may never see but will always feel when laying into a long, drawn out turn. From deep days at Mount Baker to the psychotic terrain of the Purcell Mountains, Rooster Tail proves that there are, in fact, friends on a powder day. Austen linked up with Robin Van Gyn, Blair Habenicht, Bryan Fox and Travis Rice for the film, which will rev you up to create a few rooster tails of your own. Whether its snowboarding, skating, surfing or pretty much anything that could be considered fun, you wont find many people more fired up than Austen Sweetin. The 28yearold Seattle native earned a reputation for dropping banger parts in Absinthe snowboard movies and Travis Rices The Fourth Phase. Last year, he branched out and worked with Quiksilver to release High Octane, which was nominated for short film of the year at the Riders Poll. Thi