Antique Meat Cleaver Restoration 105 Years old
Restoration of a huge antique meat cleaver from Italy. See this 100 years old and very raw butcher tool getting restored into a real beauty. THE RESTORATION PROCESS I disassembled the shaft from the cleaver blade and welded the pin holes together. I sandblasted the back side and heated the metal to get the blade straight. Then a full annealing process at 879 degrees Celsius to reduce the hardness and internal stress in the metal of this meat cleaver. I grinded a new cutting edge in a 30degree one side angle. After that I heat treated the metal and gained a 6062 HCR (Rockwell hardness scale) I did etch the cleaver on both sides and created a beautiful new handle of an old piece of hickory wood. I finish the project with a nice little laser engraving and some very cool decorations.