Gavin Harrison: How To Create Amazing Drum Parts ( FULL DRUM LESSON) Drumeo
Learn Drums Here: Free Lessons: Our Favorite Music Products: Faster Hands Feet (in 10 days) Arguably the most requested drummer by our viewers, Gavin Harrison is here at Drumeo to share his tips and methods for coming up with tasteful drum parts, how to improve your creativity, and your general mindset when playing the drums whether in the studio or performing live. This hourlong lesson is jammed full of incredible drumming knowledge, so pay attention He also plays several tracks from his solo project Cheating the Polygraph, as well as a track from The Pineapple Thief. Watch four exclusive courses with Gavin in the Drumeo members area. Follow us Facebook: Instagram: Remember to LEAVE A COMMENT on your favorite part of the lesson for a chance to WIN 1 of 3 SIGNED copies of Gavin Ha