AI In Clinical Use: Lessons Learned Nina Kottler, MD, MS ( Radiology Partners)
This seminar is part of the Stanford AIMIIBIIS Seminar Series, brought to you jointly by the Stanford Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Imaging (AIMI) and the Integrative Biomedical Imaging Informatics at Stanford (IBIIS) division of Stanford Radiology. Stanford AIMI: Stanford IBIIS: ABSTRACT: We have a call to action in healthcare we need to drive value. Artificial intelligence (AI), if deployed correctly, can help accomplish this lofty mission. In this discussion we will review the following lessons learned in deploying radiology AI at scale: 4 unexpected benefits of implementing AI emergent finding triage; the importance of investing in AI radiologist education; how most AI needs to be incorporated into the radiologist workflow; why a platform is required to deploy AI at scale and what a modern platform looks like; how to use AI to add value to your data; and, as Dr. Curt Langlotz famously said, why rads (pra