How to Paint an Acrylic Christmas Card The Perfect Gift Idea
My Standard Pallet CADMIUM RED, ALIZARIN CRIMSON, CADMIUM ORANGE, DIOXAZINE PURPLE CADMIUM YELLOW CERULEAN BLUE, PRUSSIAN BLUE, PHTHALO BLUE, ULTRAMARINE BLUE, VANDYKE BROWN, BURNT UMBER, RAW SIENNA, YELLOW OCHRE, HOOKERS GREEN, TITANIUM WHITE, ZINC MIXING WHITE MARS BLACK But you can use any colors you like. Wet Pallet Roll of Kitchen Paper Towel Cup of Welsh Brew Tea Lessons are intended for private use only and are embellished with stories of general life subjects to make for an interesting experience a wide range of subjects will be discussed. reference sources mentioned above are used only as an education means and all paintings of the lessons are painted over or destroyed after filming all music is royalty free unless stated above with links to the composer Cop