Mary Export Quant (1966)
Full title reads: London. Mary (Export) Quant. GV Fashion designer Mary Quant at work in her flat. SV Ditto. CU The design Mary is working on. CU Mary Quant. GV Girls at work in room where they make up the first design. SV Pan Mary leans across table to talk to cutter. CU As Mary explains point to the cutter. CU The cutter. CU The design. Track back to SV of the two talking. GV Exterior Steinberg House. LV Group of men discuss one of Mary s designs. SV Ditto. LV Mr Moore, chief pattern cutter, at work on a tulle. SV Ditto. CU Ditto. LV Girls lay out sections of pattern on table. CU Ditto. CU Bulk pattern cutter at work. LV Pan model parading at fashion show for buyers. SV Mary and her husband. SV Three models walk into picture wearing short dresses, from left to right they are called Champagne, Couzin Bill and Dalmatian. CU Ditto as the three models turn. SV As model walks into picture wearing one of Mary s cowboy outfits called Wyatt Earp. CU Ditto. LV Pan through export department with