Dear God, please let open up his heart to Christ, that You may dwell in him and he may trust in You and believe that You have a purpose for his life and You know whats best for him. I come before you on behalf of my husband. Please give him strength when he is weak and Give him courage when he is afraid. Protect him and deliver him from the evil around him. Help him to stop worrying and cast his worries unto You. Do not let whatever he is going through overwhelm him. Grant him inner peace and comfort his soul. You know his heart and his desires. Give him the strength to overcome temptations. Help him seek You first and not think about earthly things. That way his mind will be fixed on You and he will not fall into temptation Bless his hands and everything he does. Bless his work and make him excel at what he does. Open new doors of opportunity for him. Establish the work of his hands. Open his eyes to see the truth, grant him understanding for t