Trumps Capitol Riot Demands Denied, Alex Jones 965 Million Hissy Fit MORE KIDS for Herschel
NASA rammed a spaceship into an asteroid a few weeks ago to knock it off course and it worked, a few commercials ran back to back during the Dodgers game last night that really said it all, the series finale of the January 6th hearings are tomorrow and Liz Cheney and the gang are expected to present new evidence, Trump is said to be furious that they wouldnt let him go to the Capitol himself to lead his army of dumb, Trump wants the Supreme Court to step in and rule on the documents stashed in his basement at MaraLago, Herschel Walker sat down with ABC News last night to set the record straight on his abortion scandal, weve learned about three children he kept out of the public eye and there could be more on the way, Alex Jones was ordered to pay 965 Million in damages to families affected by the Sandy Hook shootings, and we check in with Jessica Chastain whose dressing room somehow turned into a Spirit Halloween store. SUBSCRIBE to get the latest, Kimmel: Wa