Chucky Electrocutes Tiffany In The Bathtub, Bride Of Chucky (1998)
Chucky creates his bride by electrocuting Tiffany in the bathtub and using the dambela chant and extracting her soul. From Bride Of Chucky (1998): Chucky and Tiffany, two possessed dolls, head to New Jersey to look for the former s amulet that can help them regain their human form. Watch the full movie here: , BrideOfChucky, Chucky, ChildsPlay, Tiffany, BradDourif, JenniferTilly Welcome to Fear. YouTubes greatest home of Horror Featuring a bloodcurdling collection of clips from some of the most terrifying titles From the classics to the contemporaries, Fear also showcases some frightful features taking you behind the screams of some of your favorite horror movies Subscribe for scares: