Fault Vs Responsibility by Will Smith FULL SPEECH
Watch the cinematic version of this speech here It is edited with gripping visuals from Will Smith s movies: Will Smith just delivered a superPOWERFUL speech today (January 30th 2018) on his Instagram live. I wanted to edit together the entire speech for you guys before it disappears. So here it is. This speech is about taking responsibility for your happiness and your lifesituation. When you blame others, you give away your power and you become a victim who is at effect to bad things happening to you. But when you Take Responsibility, you now have the power to take charge, take control, and create a better life. It really doesnt matter whose fault it is that something is broken. Its your responsibility to fix Will Smith It s not your fault if your partner cheated and ruined your marriage. But it is for damn sure your responsibility to figure out how to take that pain and how to overcome that and build a happy life for Will Smith Fault and Respons