Chuck and Blair I am Chuck Bass, the love of her (4 X20) TUVO
Check Out What I Have To Say About The Show: I have watched the latest Gossip Girl episode, and I was in shock with whatever went down between Chuck and Blair. I do believe that Chuck really loves Blair and so does but so much happened during the past few months that I can totally understand what he and I knew he would NEVER hurt she is the core of his I didn t think for a moment she was going to be with or with Yes she agreed to marry Luis but, it s only because she lives in her own fairytale where happy endings she wants to believe she loves Luis because it s easy to do so. . it s easy to believe you are loved and cherished when your true love is still out there. . waiting for you to wake up from all of these fairytale Chuck is Blair s true and I do believe that if two people meant to be together, eventually they will find their way br, br,