No BS TS, 30 Project setup
We set up a Typescript project for development and build, and connect it to a Javascript consumer and a Typescript consumer. 00:00 Introduction 00:38 Project setup 01:37 Coding the library 02:14 Build script 03:20 Consuming with Javascript 05:39 Consuming with Typescript 09:01 Supporting development mode 11:04 Outroduction Code: If you liked this video, buy me a coffee What s my theme Night Wolf dark blue What s that font MonoLisa Jack is also on the React Round Up podcast: Don t forget to subscribe to this channel for more updates: Discord server signup: Watch ou. .., JackHerrington, typescript, nobsts, NoBSTS, 30Projectsetup, TypescriptProjectSetup, TypescriptProjectForDevelopment, JavaScriptandTypeScriptConsumer, typescriptprojectfordevelopmentandbuild, typescriptprojectfordevelopmentwithconsumer, connecttypescriptprojecttoconsumer 20210608 MkNCkKomus