TWS Vault: Jason Hernandez Episode 18, Are You Alright Pat Duffy, Chad Tim Tim, Clint Peterson
Revisiting these tapes brings up so many feelings. Most runins with cops, security, concerned citizens, I hate the way I sound. I can remember the way I thought, IT IS US AGAINST I thought of getting clips as I wanted the skater, us to win. I was so down to go back countless times, go later, go earlier, use other skaters as decoys to skate the front while we went and filmed in the back. Hearing my voice, hearing the way I spoke makes me want to jump back in time and smack that kid in the head and try to knock some sense into him. Okay, now thats out of the way :) Skating with Chad Tim Tim and the 508 guys was easy, I d known them for years prior. When I was a sponsored skater, I would skate down their way. I don t even remember the pool session with Jim Greco. If I didn t have it on tape I would never know I was there. The end of this episode gets into my first big trip with Jon Holland for Are You Alright . I had never made a film like thisit was a documentary, skate video. We went on a m