Richard Wagner Götterdämmerung ( Twilight of the Gods), Гибель богов Act One ( Opera North, Leeds, England
Brünnhilde Kelly Cae Hogan Siegfried Mati Turi Hagen Mats Almgren Gutrune Giselle Allen Gunther Andrew FosterWilliams Waltraute Susan Bickley Alberich Jo Pohlheim First Norn Fiona Kimm Second Norn Heather Shipp Third Norn Lee Bisset Woglinde Jeni Bern Wellgunde Madeleine Shaw Flosshilde Sarah Castle Chorus of Opera North Orchestra of Opera North Conductor Richard Farnes Stage Director Designer Peter Mumford Lighting Projection Designer Peter Mumford Produced Directed by Peter Mumford Opera North, Leeds, England, 2016 BBC Arts