Rumi, a pilgrim on the road of ℒℴνℯ Video by Ellen Vaman (there may be strobes, flashing lights)
Would you become a Pilgrim on the road of Love The first condition is that you make yourself Humble as Dust and Ashes Rumi Art, Photo Animation, Video: Ellen Vaman Music; Laberinto Blondish feat. Bahrmaji Extended Credits to; Stella Diamond, Miriam Peretz, Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam, Habibi Lal, Banafsheh Sayyad, Jasirah, Silk road projects, Tonje Nordgaard, Ajay Chaudhary, Ashes and Snow, Rawktail production, Lost in motion, AA VFX , EllenVaman, VisionaryArt, Bahramji, Rumi, Sufi, Darvish, Love, PhotoAnimation, Gif, Dance, Goddess, Spiritual, Awakening, Light, NewAge, Consciousness, Enlightenment, MusicVideo, Magical, Fantasy, ThirdEye, SacredGeometry, Fractals, Cosmos, NewEarth