Mila Robert Pokemon
The best one by far. Let the good times roll. Written and produced by Mila Robert Yoan Nikolaeff L Padr3 Mixed and mastered by Yoan Nikolaeff L Padr3 Director Joro Peev Jawpains Concept Jawpains Mila Robert DOP Plamenkov Editing Joro Peev Jawpains, Mila Robert Color grading Plamenkov 1AD Alekzander Yordanov Gaffer Boyan Zaharinov Video Producer Zlatina Richeva, Mila Robert Starring: Alena Vergova Alexandrina Kushinchanova Yoan Nikolaeff L Padr3 Kamen Kolev Cheers for all the other beautiful ladies and gentlemen that became part of this project, you are magical Styling Frea, Mila Robert, Pavla Kotova Hair Peter Parvanov MUA Alina Shayk, Mila Robert BTS Photographer Ivan Hristov Social Media Content Marin Kolev Loader Rosen Andonov PA Andrey Kirkov Food on set Supa Bar Plovdiv Special thanks to: DRAMATIC THEATRE PLOVDIV FREA TOP RENT A CAR BULGARIA G CLUB PLOVDIV SUPA BAR PLOVDIV Ivan Petrovic FOR BOOKING +359 89 849 3951 Mila Robert, 2023