ciri cahir, , she wants me to find her ( Witcher S3)
WATCH IN HD + EARPHONES Follow me: Tumblr: Twitter: Instagram: tumblr reblog: people linked by destiny will always find each sigh I ll take any crumbs I can get when it comes to these two. their connection has always fascinated me and cahir is also a highlight of the show, as well as being my favourite he s on his way to being part of something more (whispers the hansa ). I thought volume 1 was great and I can t wait for volume 2, despite what s happened with Henry I do still love the show, I don t know if I ll watch season 4 yet, if I do, it ll be for these two only. ,fanvidfeed, thewitcher, cahir, ciri leave a like, comment and sub :) Song: END OF THE VIDEO