Pokey Smokes Avast Fluttershys Lament
Well I ve been working on this little doohickey for a bit now. If you re confused on its origins, Avast Your Ass is a memeworthy song by kitsune2, and it fit perfectly with All Levels at Once s Fluttershy s Lament. So, naturally, I made this song. :3 On a side note, I ve changed my pony music name to Pokey Smokes instead of the usual Whitz, for I believe it may be easier to differentiate between the two this way. Thanks n stuff. Download n all that jazz: My other things: P. S. It isn t a song based on Avast Fluttershy s Ass. It s a song about the original Avast Your Ass mixed with Fluttershy s Lament