Killed by the NHS
Eric Levy died on the 20th of July in UCL Hospital, after reportedly being put on nil by mouth on the hottest day of the year. Friends vow to push this case to the fullest extent of the law, raise awareness of what is going on, and seek legislative reform to stop the practice of the euthanasia of elderly people. 21st July 2022, UCL Hospital, London Uncensored version: Context: After being admitted to hospital for a fall, Eric, a 94 year old man, was kept in hospital against his will despite Eric recovering from his initial injury, being of sound mind and strongly wishing to go home through his 10 week+ detainment. His friends and fellow protesters, who have looked after Erics wellbeing for years, visited Eric regularly to give him good food and company, and reported that he was being drugged, malnourished and declining due to his treatment and confinement. Eric died on the 20th of July in UCL Hospital. Previous RGB