A Mad Man or a KING, , GOT
Tormund Giantsbane : I saw him riding that thing Davos Seaworth : That s right you did Tormund Giantsbane : I did That s why we all agreed to follow him That s the kind of man he is He s little but he s strong Strong enough to befriend an enemy and get murdered for it He comes back keeps fighting here north of the wall and back here again He keeps fighting he keeps fighting He climbed on the fking dragon and fought What kind of person climed on the fking dragon a M A D M A N or a K I N G , short, shorts, edit, edits, shortedit, shortedits, shortsedit, shortsedits, video, videos, shortvideo, shortsvideo, shortvideos, shortsvideos, clip, clips, editing, shortedit, shortediting, clipedit, clipedits, whatsappstatus, whatsappstatusedit, whatsappstatusedits, whatsappstatusshort, whatsappstatusshorts, whatsappstatusvideo, whatsappstatusvideos, whatsappstatusgot, whatsappstatusgameofthrones, gameofthroneswhatsappstat