This half hour video documents the ongoing work of Permaculture Gurus, Geoff and Nadia Lawton, in the Dead Sea Valley. It begins with the famous original Greening the Desert five minute video clip, and then continues into Part II, a 2009 update to the 2001 original. You ll get to see and learn about the original Greening the Desert site and see some of the spinoff effects of its influence throughout Jordan. When theres no soil, no water, no shade, and where the sun beats down on you to the tune of over 50C (122F), the word poverty begins to take on a whole new meaning. It is distinct and surreal. Its a land of dust, flies, intense heat and almost complete dependency on supply lines outside of ones control. This is the remains of what was once called the fertile crescent. It is the result of thousands of years of abuse. It is a glimpse at a world where the environment whose services provide for all human need has all but completely abandoned us. This is a glimpse at the world our consumer soc