Duke Of Edinburgh At Taverners Ball (1952 1955)
Grosvenor House, London. Lots of laughs are shared at Taverners light hearted ball at Grosvenor House Prince Philip receives his birthday present. SV. Pan, Duke of Edinburgh followed by the two Princesses, Princess Alexandra of Kent, daughter of Duchess of Kent, and Princess Margaret of Denmark, walking across the ballroom (2 shots). SCU Master of Ceremonies John Snagge, holding cricket bat, two judges etc. , walking across ballroom floor. SCU. Royal party sitting at the table. SLV. Procession walking towards Royal party s table. CU. Prince Philip standing up and receiving cricket bat from John Snagge it is a birthday present. CU. Mr Pastry (Richard Hearne) lighting Olympic torch. SCU. Duke striking gong for start of race. CU. Mr Pastry and a few other men line up for race. Mr Pastry does a somersault and resumes his position. SLV. Start of race. CU. Runners arriving at pile of clothes. CU. Runners changing clothes. SCU. Runners changing clothes, Mr Pastry falls down. CU. Mr Pastry s back putting o