Fleetwood Mac, Lindsey Buckingham Go Your Own Way 1977 Rumours Tour Rehearsals Part 2
This is an AWESOME (rare) live version of Lindsey s legendary song Go Your Own Way (my favorite song of alltime) This is from Fleetwood Mac s GREAT (February 1977) Rumours Tour Rehearsals. I LOVE everything that Lindsey does, but this song is his masterpiece. This is the GREATEST song EVER made (in my opinion) This song is what started it all for me over (30+) years ago I LOVE LOVE LOVE this Over the next few weeks, I will be posting one more (different) live version of this AWESOME song from the 1977 Rumours Rehearsals THIS IS PART 2 OF THREE Go Your Own Way is the ONLY Fleetwood Mac song to make it on to the Rock Roll Hall Of Fame s 500 Songs That shaped Rock Roll list It is also the ONLY F. Mac song that appears on the 100 Greatest Pop Songs Ever (since 1963) list, which was compiled a few years ago via MTV, RollingStone Magazine It ranked , 26, which is GREAT ,3