Bonnie Damon Coming Home
Bonnie is coming back after the summer and Damon is surprised to see her. Before the summer, Bonnie used her magic to kill Katherine so Elena will be safe, she almost sacrifices herself. After the battle, she stays with Damon and one thing leading to another, they spent the night together but in the morning Bonnie ran away and left town. Now she is back, Damon wants to know what happen and show up everywhere Bonnie is. Finally one night she goes to him and they spend the night again together. In the Morning Bonnie left but not without looking back at Damon and they make a connection : Bonnie is still angry about the hurt he caused her. On a mission, Bonnie is almost killed but Damon jump in and take an arrow for her. Bonnie gives him a chance to prove he changed and they go to the Grill but Bonnie put her distance as soon as Stephan and Elena are coing in. Damon tells her he won t be her dirty secret. Later Bonnie talks to Elena about Damon and finally she goes to find him Bonni br, br,