An Unthinkable Collapse The Skyway Bridge Disaster 1980
Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch Alive about the Wyoming Ice Cave Disaster, and the rest of MagellanTVs history collection: The indepth story of the Sunshine SkyWay Bridge Disaster on May 9, 1980. A fog falls on Tampa Bay and the busy sea lane leading from the Gulf of Mexico to the Port of Tampa Bay. Captain John Lerro, at the helm of the Summit Venture carrier ship, knows he has to be very careful in maneuvering through the bay when the weather is terrible. En route toward the port, he has to pass underneath the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Theres another vessel coming from the opposite direction, making him extra cautious. Then, out of nowhere, a gust hits the bay. Lerro can barely see anything in front of him, and his radar goes wild. Its best he stops the ship. Easier said than done, however, as the wind swings his vessel like