Elizabeth Keen, , Im only human
Video by cardiffgiant02 720p HD + headphones for best quality. This may end up getting extended once a few more episodes air, but for now, hope you enjoy this little character study. fandom: The Blacklist music: Human by Christina Perri voiceovers: Liz: So much is happening, and I just don t know how to process it all. Liz: If I m wrong about If he isn t I don t think I can handle any of it without him. Red: You have me. Red: I think you ve been presented with a unique opportunity. Liz: Things will have to appear normal, to Tom. Liz: I can t look at him, let alone touch him. Red: I m not going to let anything happen to you. Liz: This is my life Tell me Liz: I can t do this anymore. Red: Be careful of your husband. Red: You re going to be okay. DISCLAIMER: I don t own any rights belonging to the content used in this video.