Dry sump oiling system, pro and cons
Our budget is limited so we need to design, test and produce rally car parts on our own. Unfortunately, we cannot manufacture everything so your help would be greatly appreciated. In this episode you can see what to expect of dry sump oiling system. It is not easy to setup. Dry sump has advantages over OEM oiling system with wet sump, but you have to be careful with your setup. To deareate oil we have made cyclone cone because oil gets very foamy with dry sump system. Now we have made this system to work good so we can have good engine durability. Someone will ask why did you bother with that, because we want to make high reving engine for rally with great durability so we tested this system on cheap engine. Rally is very demanding on engine. I do not want this engine to be without oil for a second or two. You can see whole car project on our Facebook page: