The Nitori Kawashiro Fangame
Nitori Kawashiro is a popular character in the Touhou community. Due to her popularity, a fangame was created about her Shoot Shoot Nitori the Golden is a fun fangame featuring Nitori Kawashiro on her journey to get a mysterious treasure from a strange figure. With the help of her kappa crew and friends of Gensokyo, she sets off to get her goal will it be achieved though (spoiler, she does. ) You know the drill, the game has a great OST, a lot of Touhou girls and even a Jojo reference. All things you need to make the perfect( Touhou fangame I m not sure what else to add but Nitori is waiting for repentance for your sins. She desperately wants you to be better, but what do you do You look at weird images of her on danbooru. Nitori gets down yet you still do your unjust deeds disgraceful. Like my trash Like,