Fern Walks 05 : Picnic in Kebun Raya Cibodas strolling in Fern Garden
Notes : Please skip to Fern Collection chapter if you are here just to see the ferns :D Hi everybody, I was on a 1 day trip with my family to Kebun Raya Cibodas (Cibodas Botanical Garden). My mum love to picnic in their garden while enjoying the nice breeze from the mountain. Even though i always enjoy seeing ferns in the wild, looking at their fern collection always excites me. I thought i make it into Fern Walks video so you guys can have a look on some amazing ferns they have and who knows. . probably interested on visiting Cibodas Botanical Garden for sure PS : This is one of the hardest video i had to edit because i have some technical issues made me unable to do further adjustment, but i hope it s still watchable and this is the best i could do. Enjoy Peeps 00:00 Intro 01:15 Preparation 03:17 On the road 04:25 Warung Puncak 06:43 Kebun Raya Cibodas 09:22 Review 10:38 Picnic 12:23 Cibodas Fern Collection