WHY you need to study Python, Linux, CCNA AT THE SAME TIME ,, ft. Cisco Panther
You NEED to know Linux, Python and Networking to become a successful (futureproof) Network Engineer. In this video, I interview Ernest Ogbuanya (CiscoPanther). He got his CCNA, CCNP and his first Network Engineer job within one year. He also balances a pretty hefty study schedule, studying Linux, Python, AWS, Data Science and CCIE. Become a 10x Engineer Join NetworkChuck: Need help Join the community: Follow Ernest: LEARN PYTHON: (Codecademy) Python For Network Engineers: (David Bombal) LEARN LINUX Linux for Network Engineers: GET YOUR CCNA BEST RESOURCES Videos CBT NUGGETS: LABS Boson NetSim: David Bombal Packet Tracer: Practice Exams Boson ExSim Book