Watercolor Techniques to Paint a Realistic Eye
Learn how to layer and blend watercolors and paint details to create a realistic eye. Choose 3 colors for the values (highlights, midtones, shadows). If you want to watch the full video: Step by step Art Tutorials and more in the Artistic Journey Membership: MATERIALS: Watercolor paper: Round brush size 8, 6, 3, 1 Daniel Smith Watercolors: Raw Sienna (PBr7) Trans. Red Oxide (PR101) Raw Umber Violet (PBr7, PV19) Burnt Umber (PBr7) Sepia (PBr7, PBk9) New Gamboge (PY97, PY110) Shadow Violet (PO73, PB29, PG18) Neutral Tint (PBk 6, PV 19, PB 15) FOLLOW ME, GET IN TOUCH Questions Email me at Website: Instagram: Facebook: Music: Why I Try Loving Caliber