1965 Fender Bassman AA, AB165 but Sweet :)
This video features the rather extensive repair of a very unusual 1965 Fender Bassman with features specific to both AA165 and AB165 circuits, including several unfinished circuit characteristics. The initial issue was a completely fried 6. 3VAC centertap, but during its evaluation and repair, other unusual circuit peculiarities were discovered. Join us as we explore and repair this unique circuit. Additional topics include alteration of the NFB circuit and use of the Polarity Switch to make it switchable, discussion of hum cancellation in 6. 3VAC filament wiring, repair of my damaged Eurotubes bias probes, and modification of the Bass Channel tone stack to improve tone and favor guitar use for the customer. If you would like to support our channel, please SUBSCRIBE and consider becoming a Patreon patron at: or making a PayPal contribution to We receive absolutely no ad revenue from our videos and rely upon our viewer br, br,