Jake Tuli Beats Delplanque (1952)
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire. Flyweight boxing from Nottingham Ice Rink. GV. Start of fight First 7 feet for super. LV. Both boxers exchanging blows. Tuli on top. SV. Tuli taking fight to Delplanque. MV. Tuli swinging away with lefts and rights. CU. Reg King boxing promoter. STV. Del receives attention in corner. SV. Jake Tuli (Nicknamed The Zulu Kid ) receiving advice from second. SV. Start of round 2, STV. Belgian Emile Delplanque throwing lefts and rights. SV. Del misses with a right Tuli brings one up from the floor Del lifts leg as blow lands They clinch. SV. Tuli knocks Del s head up with an uppercut (and knocks it down again with a blow on top of the head Del looks to be in trouble as Tuli lands lefts and rights to the body SV. Tuli lands a hard right to Del s jaw STV. Del on canvas up and resumes fighting Tuli sails in with lefts and rights forcing Del back Del fights back but Tuli is easily able to force him away CU. Jimmy Wilde watching. SV. Del receiving advice from seconds. SV. Round 4