Frank Martins Pull Counter Is it Enough to beat Tank
One Punch KNOCKOUT POWER ANYONE Can Learn Teaching Training and Weaponizing the One Inch PUNCH SHADOW BOXING MASTERY The Fouts Boxing Pendulum Shadow Boxing series Learn how to shadow box from the ground up. Drills for beginners, just learning the punches, and how to move your body. Once you learn to transition your weight you ll begin learning to create your own routine and chain the sequences together. Once you ve mastered these drills you can move onto the pendulum boxing drills. A very special series of drills that combine punching, movement, momentum, and rhythm, to add speed, power, and levels of difficulty to your shadow boxing workout, to maximize your time shadow boxing. These drills will also do something that most people think is impossible. These drills will increase your overall ATHLETICISM and not only improve your boxing, but actually teach you to be a REAL athlete. Imp