Custom Cyberdeck For ( Legal) Satellite
After doing a number of satellite and radio astronomy experiments, I finally got tired of my old briefcase full of tangled radio gear. I dug through my collection of broken computers, old wires, spare parts, and other junk, and assembled an allinone space cyberdeck This system combines most of my satellite and softwaredefinedradio gear into one portable platform. The hardware includes: Touchscreen computer RTLSDR radio Various filter, amp modules Various WiFi modules Satellite Meter, digital video player PTZ control for my older dish pointers LNB power injector KingDome, Vuqube control Panelmount port interfaces Software includes: Q4OS (simple, lowresource Linux) GQRX (standard SDR software) Gpredict for satellite tracking GOEStools, WXtoIMG, etc for weather satellites The system is fairly modular and expandable, with most major components simply stuck in with velcro tape. If I want to swap modules for