Land Rover Rally (1964)
Solihull, near Birmingham. L, S of people sitting on a grassy slope watching assorted Land Rovers driving in a circle. Various shots of the spectators, a man signals with a flag. The Land Rovers drive off in different directions. Various shots of Land Rovers driving over rough terrain the drivers are all members of the Land Rover Owner s Club. Various shots of Land Rovers attempting to come to a sudden stop without knocking over a bucket. M, S of people lifting off the roof of their Land Rover. C, U of a an checking his tyres. M, S of a row of Land Rovers their owners check their engines. Various C, Us of different Land Rovers. M, S of a man starting a hill climbing race. Various shots of Land Rovers attempting to climb muddy hills. More shots of Land Rovers driving through mud, some driver s point of view shots. C, U of a woman in a headscarf driving. General shots of Land Rovers driving up slopes and through mud while crowds of spectators watch. Cuts exist please see separate reco