Tropical Fuck Storm The Future Of History
The Future of History is the fifth film clip from Tropical Fuck Storms debut album A LAUGHING DEATH IN MEATSPACE. Yet another low budget, high art, masterclass in dystopic portension masterminded by Chris Matthews of Defero Productions. Witness protagonist Gary Kasparovs historic 1997 chess confrontation with IBM Supercomputer Deep Blue. The stakes are high. Kasparov is thrust head long through the aeons into the unavoidable hell of 2020. There he faces the repercussions of his frankly lackadaisical efforts in the subjugation of IBMs glorified calculator. Can he absolve himself of this blunder Or is the future of history itself at stake THE FUTURE OF HISTORY yeah you know that algorithm werent relying on chance when Deep Blue eyed the champion like a charlatan his name was Kasparov, the one that all the girls loved and in the USSSSSSSR he was a god Deep Blue was a 64bit lightning war he was a data crushing viking of a Commodore he was the mongol horde of the checker board he was shock and awe with an