KING DIAMOND: FATAL PORTRAIT ( An Animated Horror Story)
Fatal Portrait tells the story of a Molly a young child that died in the attic after being neglected by her mom Mrs. Jane that turned insane. Molly s soul was captured in the candle of fate. Molly speaks of the word The Jonah to the narrator who finds a book and speaks a rhyme to free Molly. While her mom paints a portrait of her daughter to make her image immortal. However, Molly made the portrait speak to her mother, so that Jane would know about Molly s pain. Mrs. Jane then speaks a rhyme and burns the portrait. A free spirit of Molly returns to haunt her until she goes insane. Fatal Portrait is a album with five songs that form a conceptual story. It was released in 1986 by King Diamond formerly of Mercyful Fate and this is a tribute to this masterpiece. King Diamond Fatal Portrait on Spotify: Featuring: Molly, The Narrator Mrs. Jane (Molly s Mother) Check out my ne