Sauron Music Video Schwarze sonne ( The Black sun) E Nomine
The master of darkness Sauron, an embodiment of an absolute harm. Ominous, mysterious, frightening, insidious. Many admired its force and power, strongwilled and knowledge. The madman, but at the same time the great genius. Mind, force, character, ambitions. Sauron an essence of everything that draws and simultaneously frightens. He incarnate temptation, mighty force and a unbending volition. Mysterious and attractive. I have been convinced (and I keep this belief and until now), that force, if it not from strength of mind or force of resistance, advantage for slaves (w) Sauron Predator cerberus. Qui vit infernos. Predator, Cerberus, The guarding underground kingdom. Du scheinst dunkler als die Nacht. Du bist alter als das Licht. Du bist unsichtbar gemacht. Hast keine Hulle kein Gesicht. You are more dark, than night. You ancient, than light. You invisibly. Without a body, without face. Und schauerlich